Saturday, March 27, 2010

Enough Already!!

With the first day of Spring, we were hoping for an end to the pattern of sickness we've had over the such luck. Steve and I are slowly recovering from a whopper of a cold. It has really taken it out of us. I feel terrible for Steve, with our deadline of June 5(leaving for five weeks for training in IL) he has a mass of work to complete before then. So, unfortunantly, he did not have the option I did of staying home and resting. He is not one to complain, but as the person who knows him best, I know it has been a drain on him. Our poor, unsuspecting (almost) 12 year old is now showing symptoms of the same nasty bug. We know that this is all part of life, however, it all comes at a very hectic time for us. We could really use prayers for good health and also for strength to get through all we need to do before training in June and leaving for Bolivia (Lord willing) in August. We are so very blessed to have a great support system both here in Wyoming and back home in Michigan! Thank you everyone for your love and encouragement as we embark on this new adventure in South America!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One step at a Time...

Bolovia is on the horizan!! We can't wait to get ourselves down to Cochabamba. Everyday that goes by we get more excited for the move. In the meantime, we are very busy raising our funds. Steve had a successful whirlwind trip to Michigan. It was exhausting for him but very good. We feel so blessed to have family and friends that support us. Moving to a different country takes us through a range of emotions. At times we feel scared, others times we can hardly wait to pack up and go. Our girls have come a long way in the whole process. At the beginning, they did not want to go, but they are all getting more excited. The unknown is always hard (for everyone.)

We are preparing for our training in Elgin, IL in June. The girls will be spending the 4 weeks with family in MI, which they are thrilled about! Steve and I will visit them on weekends, if time allows. That will be a test for us. We've never been away that much from our kids. But we're looking forward to the training. We're sure it will challenge us and that is usually a great thing! We would love prayers for strength to persevere even through the stresses of life while fundraising and training. It is a full time job right now. Our hearts are already in Bolivia!
